Plants are more than decor. They are living, green members of our families.
— Nyki

About me…

Hello, my name is Nyki, and I am your Oregon Plant Nanny!

I have loved plants since I was a little girl. I became a “plant lady” in my early 20s. I was the girl working in the flower shop saving all the tossed plants from the trash bin.

Today, you may know me as the "Plant Lady" from the plant shop in Ashland, Oregon, called Bestow.

In 2014 I opened my first Plant/Flower Shop, in Portland, Oregon,
Bestow PDX. After moving to Ashland, Oregon in 2016, I opened Bestow & Bloom. Plants, home goods, no flowers.

In 2019, we had outgrown the tiny shop downtown, so my husband and I opened Bestow.

10+ years of selling plants, talking about plants, reading about plants, listening to plant podcasts & growing my own plants.
That’s A LOT of plants!

Plants are the first thing I notice when I enter a room and I can’t help but want to help if any are struggling.
I am passionate about plants and love helping other plant lovers succeed in growing them.